Córdova Plaza, S.A. de C.V., is a company worried about the negative impact that its activity may have on the environment. Therefore it has decided to take ecologic measures in and out of the company. The measures that have been implemented are the following:

  1. Division of organic and inorganic waste to be recycled.
    A company has been hired to remove inorganic waste such as plastics and polyurethanes as well as organic waste such as wood and its derivatives like paper and cardboard. These wastes are used to elaborate other recyclable products with low environmental impact.
  2. Using recycled and recyclable products in workshops and offices.
    All paper for office use is recycled from tetra pack , without any product derived from wood. The glues and adhesives used in the manufacture of boxes are of high quality without any harmful impact on health, as well as being biodegradable.
  3. In order to compensate the forests for the use of wood in the manufacturing of our crates, a very strict control of how many boxes are made annually has been carried out for three years. This is with the purpose to give two trees back to the forest for every box manufactured.
    Since January 2013 we have brought back to the nature up to 9,500 trees (9 acres) in the forest at Nevado de Toluca volcano, State of Mexico.

    We are working this Project in colaboration with REFORESTEMOS, MEXICO A.C.
  4. reforestamos


